Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two more #%$*!!!!

Now Paul and Sara are sick!
I'm going to run away!

Another sick one...

Eric woke up this morning with a temp
of 102 and Paul thinks that he is
starting to get sick too! At this rate
we are never going to get to see
Miss Lily.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sick again...

Alex and I got to spend some time at one of our
favorite hang outs today. Children's Mercy
Hospital. He has been having what we thought
was just asthma trouble since Saturday but he
was breathing well enough that we could handle it
at home. During the night last night he had to have
breathing treatments every 2 hours and was
complaining of chest pains so I called the asthma
clinic this morning and they were not in today so
we went to the ER. Being the great parents that
Paul and I are we never took his temperature.
It turns out that his temp was over 102 and he
has a virus. He never gets sick! Just has
asthma! At this point he is just sick with no
asthma trouble. His asthma doctor was in
meetings all day and got the message that we
were there and called us at home this evening.
He has stepped up a couple of his meds so his
asthma doesn't get worse.

I have some sort of a sinus thing going on
too. I think my head may explode.

The worst part is that we are all dieing to
go meet Lily Rhea. Hopefully we will all
be well soon...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome Lily Rhea Vela!

We are so glad that you're here. We can't
wait to come and meet you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome Ariana Grace Johnson!

We got a call from Melisa to let us know that
little Ariana arrived on Sunday morning.
She weighed in at 7lbs 2oz. Mom and baby
are home and doing good. Her big sisters
Rebecca and Ella and brother Ross are
quite pleased with her. I can't wait to go
up and see them!

Before and After

I got my stitches out today!
My middle finger is numb but the Dr tells
me that it may take months but the feeling
will come back. For the next two weeks I
have to work on movement. Right now
I can't open or close my hand. Hopefully
things will go well, I am going stir crazy
not working!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Remington Pictures!!

They got home from the hospital yesterday
and everyone is doing good. Emma is quite
proud to be a big sister!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

He's Here!

Remington Jay Anthony Foderberg
Has finally arrived! He was born on the 15th
at 9:00 am. They were expecting him to be
even bigger than his sister Emma (10lbs 9oz)
but he is just a runt weighing in at 8lbs 14oz.
He has allot of black hair and is VERY cute.
His big sister Emma is very proud of him and
likes to hold him. She worries allot when he
cries and explains to him that there is no reason
to cry because mom and dad are right here.
I was so excited to get to the hospital
and meet him that I forgot my camera, I'll
post pictures soon.

Now we are just waiting for Beth and Melisa!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Old and wounded but still fighting...

Paul went to his first physical therapy appointment today. He is
doing allot better but still has a ways to go.

I had my hand surgery this morning. I was supposed to just have
conscious sedation but they said that I kept moving so they ended
up using general anesthesia. The mass was worse that they thought
it would be and higher on my finger so they had to go further. Now
I won't be able to use my hand at all for 10 days. Last time I could
use my fingers. It is allot more painful this time too!

Friday, January 9, 2009


When we went to Tina's house I only took one
picture. Of course it has Jack in it. He is such
a silly little guy, he reminds me so much of Eric
at that age. He is a wild man trying to keep up
with the big kids and wrestling with Eric then the
next minute he is a sweet little cuddle bug.
Sara has a sinus infection and didn't go to school
today. I took her to the doctor and she got
a steroid nasal spray and a decongestant.
She is staying at Grandma's tonight to help
take care of Sadie, she has an ear infection and
her tail is hurting her again so she thinks she
has to be held.
Paul hurt his back and is in allot of pain. He went
to corporate care (the joke dr) this morning and
they gave him celebrex and muscle relaxers which
did nothing for him. He couldn't get comfortable
sitting, standing or laying. He can't stand up without
his knees buckling and was in such severe pain
that I took him to his regular dr and he gave
him some stronger pain meds. I am keeping ice
packs on his back but he is still in allot of pain
so if he is not better I am going to take him to
the ER tomorrow. Neither place that he went
today took an x-ray or any thing and I have
never seen him in so much pain. I am really
worried about him.
My sister-in-law Michelle who is 9 months
pregnant was rear ended yesterday on her
way home from taking Emma to the dr.
Luckily she and Emma are ok. Michelle's dr
had her go into the hospital last night so they
could do a sonogram and monitor the baby for
4 hours. I think they are doing better than the
man that hit them. He saw that there was a toddler
in the backseat then Michelle stepped out of the
car and the man almost had a heart attack.
He called this morning to make sure that they
were both ok. Tina got rear ended a couple
of weeks ago, maybe I should warn the rest
of my sisters-in-law to stay home.
On a better note. Michelle is going in for
a scheduled c-section on Thursday!!!!!!!!!
I am having surgery on my hand Monday.
It is no big deal, I just have a mass at the
base of my middle finger on my right hand
that has to be removed. I have had it removed
once before. I will have to have my hand
wrapped in about 48 feet of padding for
10 days that's the biggest hassle.
Alex made dinner tonight. He got a cooking
thingy for his Nintendo DS and it is really
cool. It has bunches of recipes to pick from
then it gives step by step instructions on
how to make it. He made pasta with garlic
and Italian parsley, a salad and garlic bread.
He did a really good job, it was quite tasty!
Demain and Eric had their par cour class
tonight so he got to try out Alex's dinner too.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We all made it home from Decatur. Sara stayed in Springfield with our friends Melisa and Jeff and their 3 great kids! Melisa was Sara and Eric's preschool teacher and we liked her so much
we decided to keep her. Eric and Sara came back to KC on Wednesday with Jessica and Alex and I came home on Saturday.

Grandma had her surgery last Tuesday and did very well. It was a really neat procedure. Rather than doing a corneal transplant that can take up to a year for recovery they were able to just scrape the bad cells from the underside of her cornea and replace them with the good cells from the donor cornea. Since they did not have to use sutures she is already well on her way to recovery. The first 48 hours was pretty tough. They placed an air bubble under her cornea to hold the cells in place until they attached. (picture the bubble in a level) So to keep the air bubble in place she had to lay flat on her back and stare at the ceiling for 48 hours. She really did pretty good, she is not the best about letting someone else do things for her but managed to stay down. When we went to the doctor the day after her surgery all she could see with that eye were yellow blobs. At the doctor today she was able to see the doctors tie and make out a couple of letters on the eye chart! So things are going really well.

I really enjoyed spending time with Delores and Tina.

The kids go back to school tomorrow and I'm going back to work!!!!!