Thursday, May 28, 2009

The kids made it through
another year of school.
The older they get the faster
time flies! Sara spent last
weekend in St. Joseph with
at her friend Amanda's
Grandma's house and the
boy's and I had a garage
sale at Lolly's with Lolly,
Josh and Claudia. We did
ok but I think a lot of
people were out of town.
We did have fun hanging out.

Sunday night Alex, Sara and I
had a Rocky Mountain Chocolate
Factory booth at Celebration
at the Station. Jack and
Jesse came and helped all
night. Jack was comical,
he wanted to go to the
alligator and it took us a
few minutes to figure out that
he was saying elevator.

Sara has been at Grandma's
for the last couple of days
and the boys and I have been
just hanging out here. Last
night we babysat for Jack, he
kept us entertained all
evening. Today we are going
to babysit for Miss Lily.
We can't wait to see her
roll over.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things have been crazy around here for
the last few weeks! It seems like we have
had some kind of event at school almost
every night. Both boys had band concerts
and Sara had a choir concert.

Alex had his last few golf practices then
his golf banquet. He had a lot of fun playing
golf and is planning to play again next year.
He will be 16 in less than a month and can't
wait to drive. AARGH!!!

Sara has graduated from 8th grade and
has stayed on the honor roll all 3 years
of middle school. She even got an award
for her math skills. She is really excited
about high school. We went a couple of
weeks ago and she picked her classes and
most importantly she and her best friend
signed up to be locker partners.

Eric is ready to be out of school for
the summer, he has much better things
to do. He did great his first year of
middle school. He finally got to go to
Friday Night Live!

This school year has gone so fast!