Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The kids and I spent the last 10 days
taking care of my dad and Sadie while
mom went to New York to see Gin & Joe.
The heat index was 110 for about 4
days so Sara and Eric had to find
ways to keep cool.
Sara said that she went to Silver Dollar City in Branson
with her friend Amanda and her Grandma
but these are the pictures that she came
back with so we're going to have to talk...

Today we spent the day at Matt & Beth's
pool. The kids had a great time playing
with Matt & Ali and Lily and I hung out
in the shade. It was really nice out not too hot.

Eric was doing back flips off of Matt's
shoulders. He landed on Matt when
he came down on this one but they
were both ok.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Camping at Watkins Mill

We went up to Watkins Mill for
a week for Paul and Alex's birthdays.
Our home away from home.

A field trip to Tyrst Falls.

Jack Jessie and Demain came out to play.Demain riding the HOG.
Jack kicking back by the fire.

Paul & Lily he tried to sit her down
and learned the error of his ways
very quickly!

Ali with the big girls working on her
3rd bag of Cheetoes. I don't think
Matt & Beth feed her.

Big man on a little bike...
Lily relaxing after spitting up all
over me.

Don serving beer can chicken. Beth and
Lolly weak from hunger...

Aunt Lolly riding the HOG.

The vela tent

Alex & his buddy Mike.
Ersix & Ali
Ali & Jack had a great time playing in
the tent but I didn't get any pictures.

Mama & Lily, we tried to put
glow sticks on Lily but she
didn't think it was such a
great idea.

Alex's 16th birthday celebration!

Sara and Amanda decorated the
whole campsite.

Jack, Ali & Eric

A few years ago We were out camping and

Eric and I were playing with glow sticks and

here is what we came up with. Now we

can't go camping without them.

Ali & Ersix

Eric riding his bike with glow sticks.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Almost Birthday Alex

Alex will turn 16 on June 11th and
Paul went out and bought his
present a couple of weeks ago.
We hid it at Matt & Beth's house
and Paul just couldn't wait for him
to see it. We decided that we
would go get it and tell him that
Matt & Beth bought it for Zach
and that we were going to take it
to our house to hide it for them.
When we got to Matt's Matt told
Alex that he could test drive it
but if he wrecked it he would
owe him allot of money and
manual labor for the rest of
the summer. So Alex took it for
a quick spin and Matt took
Eric and Sara for a ride and
we headed for home. After
playing with Lily, Ali was
When we got home we put it
in the garage. A while later
Paul called Alex down stairs
and told him to read the owners
manual. Alex was asking
why he should read the manual
for Zach's scooter and Paul
finally told him that it was his.