Monday, July 27, 2009


Eric has been having headaches for the last
few weeks. When we were in Springfield I
had to take him to the ER it got so bad. He
had another really bad headache the night
of the wedding so as soon as we got home I
took him to our regular doctor. She wanted
him to go see a neurologist at Children's
Mercy and sent us home to wait for them
to call and said in the mean time just take
him to the Children's ER if he had another
Tuesday night he had another bad
headache so I took him to Children's at
about 1:00am. They gave him some pain
medicine and finally got the headache stopped
and sent him for a CT scan. While we were
waiting for the scan results I paid our copay and
got ready to go home. I figured they would
come in and say that they didn't see
anything and would send the scans to neurology
and we would follow up with them.
Unfortunately that did not happen. The doctor
came in and said that they had found a
large arachnoid cyst on his left frontal
lobe. He told me that they are normally
nothing to worry about but this one was
very large and they were going to admit him
to the hospital and we would see a
neurosurgeon in the morning.
Needless to say both Eric and I were
terrified! I called Paul and told him what
was going on then tried to keep calm until
The neurosurgeon finally came in and said
that all most all of the time someone who
has one of these cysts was born with it
and the normally do not grow or cause
problems and they never remove them
unless they do cause problems and he
didn't think that the cyst was the cause of
the headaches. Then he ordered an MRI
and referred us to a neurologist.
The neurologist didn't think that the
cyst had anything to do with the
headaches either but they are going to
watch it for changes. The doctors think
that he is just having migraines and the
cyst in incidental. We finally got
released from the hospital about 6:00
that night with naproxen for the
headaches. He is still having headaches
about every other day
so now we just wait and see
what happens...

The cyst is on the left MRI images are mirrored.

At least we do have proof now that he does

have a brain. He does have funny looking

eyes though.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A wild week...

The kids and I started the week by going to
Melisa & Jeff's house in Springfield
on Tuesday. Mrs J was Sara and Eric's
preschool teacher and we liked her so
much we just decided to keep her.
She has a new baby the same age as
Lily and my nephew Remington and
we just couldn't wait to meet her!

Sara and the girls.
Ariana, Rebecca & Ella

Ariana Grace

She is so sweet!! She's a very happy

baby and likes everybody.

Poor Ross was having pj problems
but he didn't mind.

The kids and I went on to Aunt Tina's

on Wednesday, Paul met us there on

Thursday and we went up to the
Grand Bear Lodge on Friday.
Friday Toni & Tim had a big
pig roast so everyone could get

There was a big ladder ball tournament.

We finally got to meet Cash and Slade.

They are even more cute in person!

Madaline had a great time! She danced

all night at the reception. She is so talented

she can even dance while eating a

chicken leg!

Patti made her salsa and cookie bars

for the picnic they were great as usual!

Aunt Tina made all of the center pieces.

she hand painted all of the pots and

they were different colors they

were really cute! We went up early so

we could help her get ready for the trip and in

true Aunt Tina fashion she had everything

ready to go. Except for the potting of the cacti.

We wore gloves to plant them and as Tina

said we still got little pricks all over us!

Aunt Tina had a pinata made.

The wedding was Saturday under this beautiful

tree and the weather was perfect around 80 degrees!

Ali & "Aba"

Josh & AJ

The Reception

The reception was a blast! We danced all night.

They had a photo booth at the

wedding. It was so much fun
before dinner everyone took
nice family photos then after
dinner the props came out!

Charlotte was very serious about

getting dressed up for her picture!

Quite a professional!

Others, not so much...

The kids had a great time doing the limbo

Jack just kept running circles around Erin!

Ali & Ersix
Ali spent a lot of time keeping track of
Ersix, Aba & Sara. If only Lolo could
have been there it would have been
perfect for her.

I love this picture!

The only way to get my knuckleheads

to stand together and smile is to add Ali.

The love of my life! He makes me so proud!

Sara and Jack on the balcony in our cabin.

The water park at the Grand Bear Lodge.

The amusement park at the lodge.

Matt, Demian, Jesse and Sara trying to make
themselves sick for the 6 hour ride home.

This is pretty much how we all spent the next day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July & Hanging Out

We spent the 4th at Lolly & Don's.
Don spent the entire day cooking
and the food was great.

The pinata fell apart right

away so we had to keep

putting it back together so
all of the kids could get
a whack at it.

Best friends are even better

when they have a bag of candy!

The peanut gallery

Demian is teaching Jack dork 101

It's like the street sweeper after the parade.

Caught playing ball in the house!