Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We all made it home from Decatur. Sara stayed in Springfield with our friends Melisa and Jeff and their 3 great kids! Melisa was Sara and Eric's preschool teacher and we liked her so much
we decided to keep her. Eric and Sara came back to KC on Wednesday with Jessica and Alex and I came home on Saturday.

Grandma had her surgery last Tuesday and did very well. It was a really neat procedure. Rather than doing a corneal transplant that can take up to a year for recovery they were able to just scrape the bad cells from the underside of her cornea and replace them with the good cells from the donor cornea. Since they did not have to use sutures she is already well on her way to recovery. The first 48 hours was pretty tough. They placed an air bubble under her cornea to hold the cells in place until they attached. (picture the bubble in a level) So to keep the air bubble in place she had to lay flat on her back and stare at the ceiling for 48 hours. She really did pretty good, she is not the best about letting someone else do things for her but managed to stay down. When we went to the doctor the day after her surgery all she could see with that eye were yellow blobs. At the doctor today she was able to see the doctors tie and make out a couple of letters on the eye chart! So things are going really well.

I really enjoyed spending time with Delores and Tina.

The kids go back to school tomorrow and I'm going back to work!!!!!

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