Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Party!

Today is my birthday so we went
to Grandma's house for another party.
Sara frosted my cake and Emma
and Eric decorated it for me. They
all did a great job!
Once again Emma set the candles
deep enough so that they would
not jump off of the cake.
Emma accidently got some frosting
on her fingers and had to lick it off
while decorating the cake. It is one
of the hazzards of the job.
(notice the face)

Emma even was kind enough to blow
the candles out for me. Twice.

I even got live music. Every time

he stopped playing Emma would yell

do it again!

Eric showed Emma how to "blow the

trumpet" and she did it! We were

all amazed that she was able to
make a sound.

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